Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)
Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)
Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)
Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)
Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)
Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)
Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)
Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)

Biophotonizer-ALPHA (Formerly BioHealer Alpha)

Precio habitual$4,950.00
  • En stock
  • Inventario en el camino

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¡Mantenga a sus biohealers y ahorre $ 2400 al actualizar a los generadores de Medbed!

¿Ya está experimentando mejoras de salud de sus biohealers de Tesla? ¡Entonces imagina lo que los generadores de Tesla Medbed pueden hacer por ti! Nuestros generadores de Medbed son 100 veces más poderosos que nuestros biohealers que ofrecen un beneficio terapéutico más rápido y más profundo incluso para las condiciones más serias.

¡Con nuestro nuevo programa de actualización de generadores Medbed, puede usar la inversión que ya ha realizado en sus biohealers para su actualización mientras continúa disfrutando de sus biohealers!

¿Estás interesado en los generadores de Medbed pero primero quieres una introducción a la tecnología? ¡Entonces nuestro programa de actualización también es perfecto para usted! Ya sea que ya tenga BioHealers o desee probar los BioHealers antes de actualizar a los generadores de Medbed, el proceso es simple y los beneficios profundos.

Elegibilidad del programa de actualización de generadores Medbed

  • Invierta en 4 biohealers para adultos en un solo orden (inversión = $ 2,400)

  • Actualice a los generadores de Medbed dentro de los 2 meses posteriores a su pedido de biohealers

  • Su inversión original de $ 2,400 se aplicará a sus generadores Medbed y ¡Puedes mantener a tus biohealers gratis!

  • Puede aplicar sus $ 2,400 para cualquier cantidad de generadores Medbed (2, 4, 6, 8)

Generadores Medbed vs Cociente de energía de BioHealers Adult BioHealers

2 Generadores Medbed = 200 BioHealers para adultos
4 Generadores Medbed = 400 BioHealers para adultos
6 Generadores Medbed = 600 BioHealers para adultos
8 Generadores Medbed = 800 BioHealers para adultos

Cómo actualizar

Paso 1: Comprar 4 biohealers para adultos haga clic aquí

Paso 2: Experimente a los 4 biohealers para adultos y confirme los primeros signos de mejora, ver a continuación (el límite de tiempo de 2 meses para ser elegible para el programa de actualización)

Paso 3: Solicite una actualización dentro de los 2 meses posteriores a la compra de su BioHealer enviando un correo electrónico con la línea de asunto "Actualización de generadores Medbed"

  • Incluya su número de pedido para los 4 biohealers para adultos (debe ser un solo pedido)

  • Háganos saber cuántos (2, 4, 6) generadores de Medbed le gustaría para la actualización

Etapa 4: Reciba una invitación de pago con un descuento de $ 2,400 para la compra de actualización.

Nota: Debe comprar 4 biohealers para adultos en un solo pedido y solicitar una actualización dentro de los dos meses posteriores a la realización de su pedido de biohealer para ser elegible para este programa. Si es elegible, $ 2,400 serán descontados de su inversión de generadores Medbed y podrá mantener sus 4 biohealers gratis. No se aplicarán descuentos adicionales a este programa.

¿Qué buscar en los primeros signos de mejora?

Signos tempranos de mejora con múltiples biohealers:
Según más de 30,000 comentarios de los usuarios, los signos tempranos de mejora incluyen (1) reducción del dolor; (2) mejor dormir; (3) sueños vívidos, que indican una actividad cerebral mejorada; (4) energía fresca; (5) aumento de la libido, (6) movimiento intestinal fácil; (7) respiración más fácil, (8) claridad mental, (9) glucosa en sangre normalizada; (10) presión arterial normalizada, etc.

Si necesita solicitar financiamiento, hágalo antes de completar el formulario a continuación.


[Forma nerd: 13716]

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Enhance your Life Force Energy with Tesla Biophotonizer-ALPHA! (25x more powerful than Biophotonizer-A)

Product Dimensions & Weight:
Weight:  5.85 lbs. 
Dimension: 10.31 in. L x 4 in. W x 2 in. Depth

Biophoton Energy is a natural solution for optimal wellbeing! Our easy-to-use wellness devices generate a field of Biophotons which has provided breakthroughs in wellness for over 40,000 people and counting. Now is the time to provide your body with the Life Force Energy it needs to thrive!

Biophoton Technology Promotes:

  • Optimal Health & Vitality
  • Better Sleep, Relaxation & Stress Management
  • Energized Brain Cells: Sharp & Focused Cognition, Mental Clarity, Increased Concentration, Decreased Brain Fog & Vivid Dreams
  • Improve & Increase The Flow Of "Qi Energy"
  • Promote Healthy Weight Management & Weight Loss
  • Improve Mental Acuity & Hand-Eye Coordination
  • Improve General Mobility & Enhanced Physical Fitness
  • Promote Healthier Lifestyles For Users With Type 2 Diabetes
  • Promote Physical Activity To Help Reduce The Risk Of Hypertension

Maximize Your Wellness

Using multiple devices amplifies the Biophoton Energy field, offering a more powerful solution for people who would benefit from even more support.

Made in the USA, proudly developed and manufactured by Tesla BioHealing, Inc. in Milford, DE.

Discover Our Financing Options Here

The advantage of Variable Strength Biophotonizer-ALPHA - Adding variable energy strength to the healing process

Biophotonizer-ALPHA offers three different ways to use the products, each with a varying amount of life force energy - Variable Energy Strengths. The amount of energy you receive depends on the orientation of the product. The magnitude of energy received by your body is determined by the position selected among the three and distance from your target body area where healing is most needed. 

To help you better understand how Variable Energy Strength works, we've included diagrams below that illustrate each of the three options. These diagrams show you how to place the products against your body to achieve your desired energy strength.

Our Returns Policy

Still have questions? Call us: 302-265-2213 or find the chat box below!

Device Use (for BioHealers):

Using multiple Tesla BioHealers amplifies the Life Force Energy field offering a more powerful solution for people who would benefit from even more cellular support.

Product Notice (for BioHealers):

Style and look of Tesla BioHealers may change during final manufacturing.
Product imagery and label may change applicable to market.

Made in the USA, proudly developed and manufactured by Tesla BioHealing, Inc. in Milford, DE.

Check out our Financing options

The advantage of Variable Energy Strength BioHealer Alpha and BioHealer Plus – Adding variable energy strength to the body's natural healing process

BioHealer Alpha and Plus offer three different ways to use the products, each with a varying amount of life force energy - Variable Energy Strengths. The amount of energy you receive depends on the orientation of the product. The magnitude of energy received by your body is determined by the position selected among the three and distance from your target body area where relief is most needed. 

To help you better understand how Variable Energy Strength works, we've included diagrams below that illustrate each of the three options. These diagrams shows you how to place the products against your body to achieve your desired energy strength. 

Device Placement Strategy for BioHealer Alpha and Plus:

Orientation of the device (choose from 3 placement below) + Distance (the closer the stronger) = Energy level

By offering three different energy strength options, we give you more control over your experience with our products.

Whether you are an energy-sensitive user who needs to gradually acclimate to to the life force energy, a beginner who wants to start with gentle energy, or an experienced user who wants to focus on a specific area of the body, with our variable energy strength feature, you can find the right energy strength, customize your body's healing process, and achieve the best possible results.


If you are energy sensitive -> start with A and move your way up to C

If you are beginner -> start with A and move your way up to C

If your are experienced -> jump to C and point the device toward body part needs most relief.






Compare with Similar Products

Product BioHealer for Adult BioHealer Alpha Biophotonizer-M
(Single Unit)
(2 Units)
Price $599 $4,950  $11,000 $19,999
Energy Comparison 1 x BioHealer for Adult 25 x BioHealer for Adult 100 x BioHealer for Adult 200 x BioHealer for Adult
Intended Use Slight Lack of Energy Significant Lack of Energy Severe Lack of Energy Very Severe Lack of Energy

Variable Energy
(See Diagrams for more information)

No Yes No No
Product Size & Weight Weight: 2.2 lbs. 
Dimension: 3.4 in. Diameter x 4 in. Height
Weight: 5.85 lbs. 
Dimension: 10.31 in. L x 4 in. W x 2 in. Depth
Weight:  28 lbs. 
Dimension: 8.25 in. Diameter x 8.25 in. Height
Weight: 28 lbs. Each
Dimension: 8.25 in. Diameter x 8.25 in. Height Each
Upgradable to Generators Yes with 4 Units Yes No * Upgrade Purchase Price $17,500

Still Have Questions?

Click below to chat with us!

Disclaimer: Our wellness products, featuring Tesla BioHealing technology, are designed to promote overall wellness and are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, or cure any diseases. Customer testimonials reflect individual experiences and may not necessarily represent the claims of Tesla BioHealing. Results may vary, and we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before making health-related decisions. These products are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please refer to the user manual for proper usage guidelines.